Wooden planks are the easiest, non-natural block to obtain during the beginning of a minecraft world. they function as both a material for structures, as well as a crafting ingredient.. Wooden planks - minecraft: wooden planks (technically, the construction industry would refer to this as lumber) are craftable blocks which can be used for a multitude of differ.... Wood planks are blocks found in minecraft: story mode. they can be seen as a common block on many buildings and structures. appearances in "a block and a hard place", jesse finds wood planks inside a chest within ivor's cottage in the far lands..
Wood planks are a vanilla block in minecraft. wood planks are used for building or crafting, they are obtained by first chopping down a tree and then placing the log in a crafting square.. Redirect w:c:minecraft:planks. the lord of the rings minecraft mod wiki is a fandom games community.. Wood is a block that has the log's bark texture on six sides. it comes in 6 species: oak, spruce, birch, jungle, acacia, and dark oak. stripped wood is a variant obtained by right-clicking wood with any axe..